Network & Volunteering

For those of us aged 18-25 who may have recently left Explorers or who are brand new to Scouting, Network is the place to find other like-minded individuals. The Scout Network programme is based around projects and events, getting you active within the community, meeting others and building confidence as a leader for future Scouting generations. There are opportunities to work towards the King Scout Award, Duke of Edinburgh Gold and Platinum Chief Scout Award. Network groups are flexibly run and self-led – members don’t necessarily meet every week. Some might meet a few times a year to complete a single project together. Others might dive into lots of different projects at once, or meet locally more regularly. Many universities have their own Network societies and take part in national Network camps. Find out more or send us an email.

Volunteer with us today!

Giving back will improve your wellbeing, equip you with skills for the future, and help you make a positive impact on the lives of young people.

What you can do

Get Young People Outdoors

We encourage all of our children and young people to get outdoors and go on adventures – which gives you the opportunity to get stuck in and try something new yourself! From kayaking to rock climbing, our leaders help all ages to discover something new.

Scout Volunteers

Teach new skills

Whether you’re an expert at gardening or new to tying knots, there’s always something valuable for you to pass on. 

Female Cub Leader

Positively Impact Young People’s Lives

Scouts is a unique organisation and we love to get as many young people involved as possible. Where else can children learn new skills and do such varied activities – all for an affordable cost! Volunteers are vital to the running of our Scout Sections and it wouldn’t be possible without them.

Scout Volunteers

Be part of a team

No matter which section you volunteer with, there are always plenty of other leaders within our Clanfield Group to work together and make you feel at home.


There are many awards and opportunities for recognition for leaders. These include Years of Service, the Wood Badge (upon full completion of training) and the Good Service Award.

Scout Years of Service Badge


Do I need a uniform?

Uniform can be purchased at our local scout shop, second hand or online from the scout website. This is necessary for all uniformed leaders, although whether it is worn to every session depends on the section and activity. Uniform for adults consists of a beige shirt with the Clanfield scarf, smart trousers and boots/shoes. Uniform and badges are reimbursed by the group, provided you have a receipt. For occasional helpers a uniform is not required. As the Leader’s uniform and Network uniform are the same, see the below for advice on where to place badges.

Clanfield Leaders Uniform Guide

Do I need to commit to the whole term?

Volunteering can be on any basis! Due to safeguarding ratios, the youngest sections require a large number of adults per children involved. So the more the merrier! Even if you can only dedicate an hour to help mow the garden or a few nights a term to supervise our activities, all help and skills are appreciated. 

Where can I find the programme?

We use OSM (Online Scout Manager) which is a platform used to simplify our record keeping. Our programme for the term can be found on here, alongside a GDPR secure record of young people’s vital details, section badges and other important admin.


Hyden Lodge, Little Hyden Lane, Clanfield, PO8 0RU