
At our 1st Clanfield Beaver Colony, we offer a diverse and exciting program for participants of all abilities. Our Beaver program is specifically designed for children aged 6-8 years old of any gender. We centre our program around teaching new skills and having fun in the great outdoors. Our dedicated volunteer leaders work tirelessly to ensure that every child in our program is given the opportunity to make friendships, learn something new, and experience new things in a safe, supportive environment. 

Our sessions run from 17:30-19:00 every Monday during term time.

What we do

Get Outdoors

We love to get our Beavers outside and active. Some of our previous physical activities have included games, grass sledging, tennis, football, swimming and rock climbing. We always take our Beavers away on camp or on nights away at least once a year. 

Learn new skills

We aim to introduce our beavers with new skills and we’ve previously introduced Beavers to new skills such as baking, first aid, gardening, painting, crafts and shelter building.

Make new friends

It’s important for our Beavers to have fun and socialise as well as learn new things.  We encourage teamwork and leadership within our sixes and give plenty of opportunity to talk and play games.

Beavers playing the parachute game

Earn Badges

Challenge Badges

Challenge badges are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn’t normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. There are 6 Challenge Award badges Beavers must complete to achieve their Chief Scout’s Bronze Award. These are the Personal Challenge Award badge, My World Challenge Award badge, My Outdoors Challenge Award badge, My Adventure Challenge Award badge, My Skills Challenge Award badge and Teamwork Challenge Award badge.

Activity Badges

Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and pioneering, there’s something for everyone. There are 33 activity badges, four are required to achieve the Chief Scouts Bronze Award.

Staged Badges

Staged Badges are achieved by scouting members throughout their scouting journey. They can start earning them from Beavers onward and all the way through to Explorers. There are 15 staged badges cubs can earn. From Stage 1 First Aid all the way to Stage 50 Hikes Away.

Meet Our Beaver Leaders

Our Beaver leaders are all volunteers who are passionate about helping young people grow and develop into well-rounded individuals. We aim to provide a variety of activities that challenge and inspire children, helping them learn valuable life skills along the way.


Brown Bear/Beaver Leader


Panther/Assistant Beaver Leader


Where can I buy the uniform? 

Uniform can be purchased at our local scout shop, second hand or online from the scout website. We require a Beaver uniform jumper and polo shirt. Our purple and green scarfs/neckers are provided to every Beaver upon investiture, alongside their membership award, district and group badges. Beaver are also given a woggle in the colour of their Lodge. The trousers/shorts and cap are not required, however we do ask that Beavers wear practical trousers/shorts and practical shoes to their sessions. 

Do I need to buy the badges? 

There is no need to buy badges as these are provided by the section as part of our termly budget. We plan our sessions with badges in mind and aim for our Beavers to achieve as many as they can whilst having fun. If sewing is not your forte, then badge glue can be purchased online. 

Beaver Uniform Badge Guide

How much does the membership fee cost? 

We charge a small fee per term for each Beaver. This is currently £40, but can change depending on the programme, however we always strive to keep costs as low as possible. Your fee will go towards our adventure activities, supplies and badges. Camps will incur an extra cost, which we try to keep as low as possible whilst providing the most fun and adventure.

Can I stay with my child for the session

Absolutely! Our scouting guidelines require 1 adult per 6 Beavers. We always need a parent or three to stay and help cover us, especially if we are running a session outside of our usual meeting place.

My child is nervous, what can they expect from the session?

Our Beaver sessions start at 17:30 on a Monday evening. This is usually in our meeting hall, however any changes to our location will be communicated via email before the session. Our Beavers will talk and play games amongst themselves until the start of the session. We sometimes start with the beaver ceremony opening, and will then head straight into our activities for the evening. Parents arrive to pick their Beavers up for the end of session at 19:00. Please arrive promptly, as parents will be arriving to drop Scouts off for their session at 19:15. 

Where can I find the programme?

We use OSM (Online Scout Manager)  which is a platform used to simplify our record keeping (such as keeping track of your child’s badge progress). It also has a parent portal which allows you to communicate with the leaders and stay up to date. Parents can also easily sign up to help each session.  Our programme for the term can be found on here, and a sign-up link is provided upon your Beaver joining the Colony.

Get In Touch

Hyden Lodge, Little Hyden Lane, Clanfield, PO8 0RU